About Us

We Serve You Right Products With Care

"MedHub Fulfills Your Need for Quality Medical Equipments and Services to live fit and healthy "

MedHub Medical Surgical Equipment & Instruments Trading LLC is Middle East’s most reputed supplier and service providers of Medical Equipments, Surgical Instruments and Hospital Supplies. We started our journey as a small enterprise and now  expands its horizons to new markets around the world providing quality products and best of services.

We ensure that no compromises are made in our business in taking care of health and well-being of people. It is our pride to exceed the expectations of our customers, employees and partners based on our exceptional service, high quality and value.

Your Health is our Priority Service

Our Mission

Strives to be the complete providers of all medical equipments by demonstrating our commitment to clinical excellence and customer services.

Our Vission

Aspire to be a leader in supplying world class medical equipments and services to help people across the world to improve scientifically and live healthy.

Trust MedHub as You Trust Yourself

‘Health is Wealth’ we ensures you the both by providing quality care services for all patients and being a reliable partner to the health care community.

Our Team

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Jennifer Christine

Warehouse Manager

Regina Clover

Customer Care

Barry Adams

Head Office Manager